Thursday, January 1, 2015

What's New for 2015

Happy New Year!

I've decided not to have any big resolutions for this year. It seems my resolutions always seem overwhelming by the 2nd week of January and in turn, I don't keep up with them and then feel like a failure for the next few months.  So this year, I'm going with goals. If I meet my goals, great. If I don't, grace. Nobody's perfect.

*My first goal for this year is to read more.  To kick things off, I'll be reading a book Matt got me for Christmas titled "Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More - Poet, Reformer, Abolitionist" by Karen Swallow Prior, 

in addition to beginning a study of the book of Exodus led by Courtney at

I'm very excited about the prospect of reading more.  Matt & I both have bookshelves in our offices filled to overflowing with wonderful books about Christ, music, history, hobbies, etc.  I think it's time that I open them up and begin to absorb the knowledge they offer.

*My second goal for 2015 is to blog more.  I started this blog back in 2010 and have severely neglected it, partly because I didn't make time for it and partly because I didn't think anyone ever read it.  My outlook has since changed.  I'm not writing to impress people with what I have to say because honestly, I don't have anything impressive to say.  I'm writing it because I want to chronicle Matt & I's adventures over the year, record thoughts I may have, blessings that I'm given, Bible study notes, book reviews, and pictures of all the wonderful (and maybe even not so wonderful) things that I encounter over the year.

I hope that 2015 holds many, many blessings for everyone.
I hope that Christ is glorified above all else.
And I hope that this year we all draw closer to the King than we ever thought possible.


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