Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Craft Projects

Again, Pinterest is my source of inspiration. I can't take all the credit.

I have 2 new craft projects that went extremely well.....to be honest, it's not like they were super hard to make, but since I'm not the most crafty person and I have to (steal) borrow other people's ideas, these 2 projects were excellent for me.

The first one was needed in our home because I didn't have any way of keeping up with what I was making for dinner each night of the week. I guess I could just write it on paper but that's not very exciting. While browsing on Pinterest, I found a great idea on how to keep up with dinner for each night of the week and add a little color to my kitchen.

Project #1:
--picture frame
--scrapbook paper
--dry erase marker

You will need to cut the scrapbook paper to fit inside the frame. I found that the easiest way of measuring the paper to fit is by taking out the sample picture that is included with the frame and use it as a model for what size the scrapbook paper needs to be.

Once you've cut the scrapbook paper to fit inside the frame, place it between the glass and the back of the frame, just like you would a picture.

Now, hold your breath, take a DRY ERASE MARKER  (((NOT A SHARPIE))) and write on the glass. At first I was scared. What happens if the marker stains the glass? Will I have to throw the whole frame away? Did I just spend money on a new frame for nothing?

But...I took the plunge and I wrote on the glass. Seconds...and I do mean seconds later....I quickly took a paper towel and wiped the marker off the glass and it was as good as new. Perfect! I now use it for all my menu making needs. Enjoy :)


Matt and I have been married for almost 1 year &  8 months now and we've already experienced A LOT! So much in fact that sometimes we sit around talking about things that have happened, but we can't always remember. This project is perfect for our frequent memory lapses. It's called a memory jar. The purpose is to write down memorable events, whether happy or sad, as they happen and put them in the memory jar. At the end of the year, we're going to start a tradition where we sit down together and read all the memories as we reflect on the past year. I think this is a great idea and I'm super excited I found it and that I'm able to share it with you.

Project #2:
--2 different pieces of scrapbook paper
--candle jar
--tape or glue

First, you will need to choose which piece of paper you want to be on the majority of the jar. Then you will need to cut that paper to fit inside the jar. Unfortunately, my jar wasn't even on the inside so I had to tape my paper to the outside of the jar.

**As a side....I left the empty plastic sack that once contained all my craft items on the floor. While I was making my little projects I heard a rustling behind me. This is what I found....

Kitten staring into the sack---what's in the sack?

A sweet, little Millie :)---isn't he adorable??

Okay! Back to the project....

You have just cut the paper to fit inside or outside the jar, whichever you prefer. Next, cut out a little rectangle of the 2nd piece of scrapbook paper to tape on top of the 1st piece of paper. Write whatever you would like on it. I wrote '2012 Memories'.

Once you have your smaller piece of paper with the writing on it, tape or glue it to the larger piece of paper. Since my bigger paper wouldn't fit inside my jar, I taped it to the outside.

All done! I use colorful pieces of construction paper to write my memories on but you can use whatever you would like or have handy. I probably should have posted this when I actually made it in January but, better late than never. Hope you enjoy!

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